Temporary Services and Staffing Firms and of the like has been a thorn in the flesh of the American worker. So much of a workers time is being wasted on the notion that I will be hired in, so as long as I do good!. However, a poll conducted proves that doing good, is not good enough!. The only reason why temp agencies and staffing or leasing firms have a large work force, is because largely of the false advertising these 3rd party robbers perpetuate to the public. Every worker who is waiting on some temp services list to be called to work, only applied at that particular temp service, because that temp service put out an ad that said " NOW HIRING! 100 POSITIONS! " this ad will entice the most un-inspired job seeker to apply. How ever, there is a big problem!. When you finally got a ride or caught 4 S.M.A.R.T buses to make it to the temp service or staffing firm, after filling out that hour long application, submitting a drug test, the account rep for that temp service or staffing firm will tell you " oh that position is not open or available yet, were just trying to make sure we have the workers so when our client needs workers we will call you " now if you knew law, that is false advertising!. The ad should actually read if the agencies were smart " now hiring for a future position in the detroit area " this way a worker will not assume that there is something ready for them upon completing the application. " NOW HIRING! " say's to the human mind that the job is ready and available right now! " NOW HIRING! " does not mean, a worker filled out the application and now is on a 2-3week waiting list, I am quite sure that this is not the average job seeker idea of " NOW HIRING! ".. The temp agencies, staffing firms or leasing firms offer no real or meaningful job stability!. many workers are at work right now, thinking within themselves " this many more days and i'm finally up in this bitch! ", yet something happened!. Here comes the excuse's when you ask your supervisor " hey i been here more than 90 days and i am still a temp " the supervisor will say something to this effect " the company is not hiring right now " so hold up, now at the temp service, staffing, or leasing firm, the worker was told that after 90 days you get hired in!. The American worker was fooled! by these temp services and staffing and leasing firms! hired in within 90 day's can mean a worker can be hired within the first week of working or the 90ieth week of working, but shit, no worker was counting on 2- 3 years, waiting to get hired in that company. Now the average slave minded, stupid, really don't give a dam about there own existence worker will say " at least i'm still working some where " dumb ass, you are working somewhere, where your years of dedication and service can be snatched away from you just, because some supervisor was on some bullshit, or you was late 2 times out of the whole 2-3years you worked there. Our poll showed that there are a large number of workers who was suppose to been hired in 5 years ago. Yet when a worker is tired of being pimped, by the temp agency and that companies human resources department and fight for that company to honor what that company told that temp or staffing service, all of a sudden, you get a call from the temp or staffing service saying " oh the company is cutting back and don;t need you right now " now they know that you are pissed off!, so then they smooth it over by saying to you " i have you first to be called when they get back up and running! " and you hang up the phone thinking like yeah i'll be back. Yes, you will be back, the question is when? and where?, because keep in mind, before the rep hung up the phone he or she said these words " so until they call i'll put you down as available ", now they sound like they did the first day you called and ask was there any jobs available. These 3rd party robbers offer no protection for temp workers at all, why, because that temp service has people like you coming in and out their doors everyday! so they feel as if, hey long as we get paid for those we can place, fuck those who never got hired in, look who the company is hiring right now. The account rep who was so nice now all of a sudden is no longer available, no longer returning your calls and all you can think about is all the day's you were on time, how you were there when others didn't show up, how you went in on your day's off for supervisor you thought was cool, but not cool enough, to get you hired in. You think about all the rides you paid to get you to work, all the buses you had to ride to get to work, only to be " let go ", because you asked when am i getting hired in? PT 2 is coming! stay tuned!