Thursday, July 18, 2013


Mildrid Gaddis's program is a community radio program!. Yes, there is a community who subscribe to the MILDRID GADDIS show, yet real community issues, rarely flow across Mildrid Gaddis microphone. Yes she is the queen of " Having the appearance "of a community talk show. To know this I once had to be a listener of the show. There are other mediums in DETROIT radio.who provide a real forum. Now, it is safe to say that without the Kwame Kilpatrick trial and his problems Mildrid Gaddis would not have had a show!( the show was already beginning to turn into B.S )  At the top of the pile right along with the white supremacist owned news papers , there we had Missippi born-raised Mildrid Gaddis, adding fuel to the fire started by a racist media. A black woman, who built her rating by destroying a black man and his family!.  Mildrid's show is community?, wtf? what community?. She basically gave Dennis Archer daily radio blow jobs, even after this black man, rejected another black mans offer to build detroit a casino and said " no i refuse to make a black man richer! " that man, who Dennis Archer refused to make richer was, Don Barden. Mildrid said nothing on her show about that, yet lead detroit to believe that Archer was the best mayor since Coleman Young. Mildrid Gaddis also offer's protection, for her Caucasian guest, like when Jenifer Granholm did nothing about the illegal imprisonment of Rev Pickney by one of her appointees, when you called in to the show that morning, the girl  who answers the phone will ask you "what is your comment or question? " wtf? I thought this was " community radio " filtering comment and question's by the who? community?. When a radio host is shielding a guest, they will only allow certain question or comments to get to the guest. If you dis-agree with Mildird Gaddis, your comment will not get aired, you will remain on hold!, while listening to someone else who gives her the usual ass licking before they agree with her. Now if she does air the comment it is one that provides a back and forth she is most familiar with and she will so-call fight that caller tooth and nail on that issue. Mildrid reads the detroit new's and free press, then take to the air and ask you so what you think detroit?. I dare her to actually read and discuss core community issues and allow freedom of comment on her medium if it don't piss of her masters. Whprtv33, a talk show junkies dream! A real community station, and when i say real community station,if you dug up the grass roots, i am quite sure whprtv33, will be at it's top find!. A community show that brings real community issues before the public with the most astute audience in Detroit!. A community station who don't screen callers and have 3 numbers to call to voice your opinion live on tv! whprtv33 higland park and comcast 20. The programming at whprtv33 is geared at 100% total black power! Richard Harriston, who  undoubtedly, is the best morning show and most informational platform  in Detroit, Between the host and the callers, one will feel as though one been to college and that was only between the hours of 7-8am.  Now if you don't care to know how and who are the characters that are destroying detroit and our public school system, then this may not be the medium for you!. The great thing about The Richard Harriston Morning Show and all of the other programs at whprtv33 comcast 20, is that when someone from the community calls in, the caller is not screened and even if the caller does not agree with the host, that caller is still allowed to air their thoughts, so as long as that thought remain profanity free!. Steve Hood conducts the most black mainstream show I have ever heard on Detroit tv/radio. Steve is one second from letting cracker's have it!. How ever his perspective remains factually based!. I can only imagine what Steve Hood show would be like if he aired on whprtv comcast 20, can you say " RATINGS! CROSS OVER RATINGS! ", plus Steve Hood can then finally say the word " cracker " and other things that he really wants to say that he can't say now on  his current show. Angelo's show is a great port. He was smart to come on after Mildrid Gaddis and was brilliant! , hey he got those who adamantly dis-agree with Mildrid Gaddis and are up in the air about Mildrid Gaddis, those who were on hold for so long, that was a great way to kick off a show. How ever I still contend, how can one really bring forth real community issues, when the medium you work for are the one's sponsoring the majority if not 97% of those issues that your community are facing everyday, you are only play by playing, your masters will, which is why our community can remain a pool of politically and socially inept  individuals, while so called informational community shows like Mildrid Gaddis has been in existence since the inception of that  inept mind state.

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