First and foremost, because Kevin Orr is not a creation of democracy, for the purposes of this blog, Kevin Orr will be referred to as " illegally appointed " Kevin Orr. In Nov 2012, the voters of MICHIGAN overwhelmingly voted NO! on prop 4 " THE EMERGENCY MANAGER LAW " 83 out of 86 counties voted " NO! ", yet Gov.Snyder was able to defy and dis-enfranchise those " NO! " voters. " illegally appointed" Kevin Orr's very existence in DETROIT as " EMERGENCY MANAGER " is a direct slap in the face of democracy!. To manage finances does not require the breaking up of union contracts and pension fund raids! It does not take a genius to add, subtract, multiply and divide. So to use finances as a conduit to seize and use extraordinary powers would seem to be the one thing that would be first and foremost on the minds of DETROIT voters, not what color the next mayor may or may not be. While one is worried about a white man becoming mayor, there is currently a "illegal negroe ", who we never even voted for running our city , a " illegal negroe " who made our city council powerless!, a " illegal negroe " who is selling off our city assets at a rapid rate! a " illegal negroe " who knew that the jones day contract and the miller canfield contract was a conflict and was against our city charter, yet still awarded those firms contracts, a " illegal negroe " who say's " there is a financial emergency in detroit " yet hires his people to help fix DETROIT at 250,000 a year, when it is obviously cheaper to pay those we elected, yet he is the one " illegally appointed " over DETROIT city finances. Privatization! that is the answer! sell! sell! sell!, yet since the state take over, there has been no significant progress on behalf of the state, to help DETROIT. Every one is saying " give Kevin Orr a chance ", anyone who claims to love democracy and utter these words, should be slapped! I ask " give " illegally appointed " Kevin Orr the chance to make sure you never have a " effective voice " in the process?, Give " illegally appointed " Kevin Orr a chance to out source our city services, to the point a person, who lives in the city of detroit will have to seek help from agencies un-friendly their dispositions?. When one really consider the damage that is being done to DETROIT by this " illegal negroe " maybe, just maybe, this white man that we can vote for will be the breathe of fresh air, DETROIT needs.
" this blog in no way, am i asking you to vote for mikeduggan, i just think, when we consider the magnitude of what " illegally appointed " Kevin Orr and these " EMERGENCY MANAGERS " has done,a white man running for mayor of DETROIT at this point and time, is the least of our worries "
A nicely composed blog. I am really interested in knowing why do you believe Mike Duggan should be a write in candidate? The Michigan Court of Appeals, cited by three judges that he is not eligible as a candidate for mayor. Please could you explain?
ReplyDeleteWell the issue the court decided on was factual and Mike Duggan name can'r be on the ballot, how ever, just because your name can't appear on the ballot does not mean that you can't run for that particular office. The elections laws are clear on this, how ever, nobody thought that Mike Duggan would try such a feet. There are vast differences between a person who can't name can't be on the ballot vs. a person who is disqualified from running. I like the general public see every reason why, Mike Duggan name should not appear on the ballot, but i see nothing that disqualifies Mike Duggan as a possible choice. Here is the kicker!, Tom Barrow knew that Mike Duggan could run for mayor anyway, by way of a right in campaign, yet he still files a suit and Duggan is still in the race. Shame on Tom.