One may ask how is it that a person who is running for office,are always the current seat holder of that elected position?, because when you have a person/persons who are willing to manipulate numbers, anybody stands a chance of always being an incumbent so as long as you are protecting and supporting those who are willing to take the pay and sell out the public's trust to greedy racist politicians who only want a certain brand of negroes sitting in detroit government. Janice Winfrey in lue of court rulings against her, a public story aired about her incompetency, a debate that basically drowned her in stupidity, and she still comes out with 60% of the votes?. Oh sure blame it on low voter turn out, how ever, for 8 years under her watch as Detroit City Clerk, the turn out has always been low. Why, because the clerk thinks low of the people. I am willing to bet somebody is paying her well and assuring her position in that department to make sure it can remain manipulated and the right individuals never take seats in city government. Election after election we have had sell out after sell out! From Jenkins to Spivey to James Tate to Gary Brown to Shelia Cokrel, I can go on!. All who paved the way for the take over we see today. So say if Spivey wins his district, Well consider his corroboration with the emergency manager. No doubt Kevin Orr and Janice Winfrey had a conversation already, it just have not been un-covered yet. Kevin Orr needs sell outs like Andre Spivey, because he know's that he is here illegally and he need some public official to sign off on his bullshit so it will appear that democracy had her say. Janice Winfrey is the perfect person to pay off, look what she get's in return a job that give her a handsome salary, a handsome budget to promote voter enjoining, ( which is hardly used for that purpose, which is probably why voter turn out is so low ) and your the current clerk every time you are up for re-election. What an amazing deal! Hey it may be possible that even after the public found out that she refused to count 60,000 votes from the last election, that they would indeed overwhelmingly elect Janice Winfrey to remain in the clerks office, NOT! Detroit voters are not stupid, the media is a
and will continue to perpetuate low voter turn out
until Winfrey cheats and shreds her way back to incumbency!
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