The new " illegally appointed" Detroit Police Chief " James Craig is going to re-institute the "Gang Squad " unit. The reason detroit has 2,500 gangs. The problem detroit had with the gang squad before was, gang squad was just as worse as the gangs and rarely stuck to the specific agenda of dismantling gangs. The gang squad definition of gang includes regular citizens which makes them very dangerous!. Most will applaud the " illegal Chief of Police " for this stupid move, because crime in detroit is off the hook!,how ever when your son or daughter comes home from the store or school and they are crying and ruffed up, because Gang Squad who as I recall from the 80's and 90's never ever use brain or real thinking problem solving skills just jump out and beat down!. The crime problem is off the hook, not the gang problem!. Stats show that out of 10 crimes 1 is committed by a gang member and in that case the crime was selective. The general public must always bear in mind that, these who violates the public trust are not adults!. Stats prove that crimes are being committed by young men 12-19 and on occasion men in their mid-20's. Bottom line, we are dealing with a bunch of children, but because they are black they are treated as adults as they would be when they commit the crimes. If " illegally appointed " chief James Craig does not have the mental ability to institute a program that does not send young black men to the grave or the penitentiary
maybe he should go back to Cincinnati . With the police department not just in detroit, but in urban cities across America, Lock up or beat down, is the first choice for the black male, but is always the least of choices when it comes to young Caucasian males when they commit crimes or stopped by the police. The tension between the teens and the police coupled with the animosity between the teens and the police, paired with the police departments blunt dis-respect for those teens is already a bomb waiting to go off! Now this "illegally " appointed chief James Craig want's to detonate that bomb. If you are not smart enough to read past cases about police brutality ( THE MILLIONS DETROIT HAS HANDED OUT ) or read reports about police mis-conduct and still make the decision that detroit need gang squad back on the streets, then it is obvious that "illegally appointed " chief James Craig is here to push the buttons and activate civil un-rest in the city of detroit. Now my question is, who will be the members of gang squad?. Will it be men and women from this community or some insensitive suburban Caucasian who's only goal in life is to work on the detroit police department so that he or she can teach niggers in detroit a lesson?. Hey with all these copy cats cases emerging about people posing as police robbing and killing and car jacking citizens, one may wonder is it a smart idea to release yet another un-marked unit into the streets of detroit. It would be different if gang squad was effective and it is a reason that this unit was dismantled and it was not because they were doing excellent community and gang policing!. Bottom line is if this is James Craig only solution, he must know that this is un-acceptable!. I am not stupid, there are problems in detroit and like any other city detroit has crime, however, to unleash yet another " gang " into the community is not the answer! That too is un-acceptable!
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