Monday, July 22, 2013


It is no secrete that, the Detroit Workforce are the driving force of Suburban Michigan. While Detroit is the Motor City, the actual components of that motor are not made or built in Detroit. I wonder would  vehicles have the same selling power if the ad said " Made In Troy" or " Made in Sterling Heights "  or " Made In Brownstown "? I think those cars would sit much longer on the show room floors. Let's be honest, the Suburbs do not have a labor pool of it's own so the suburbs has to depend on 80% of it's work force to come from some where else. I say the suburbs, because when a company in the suburbs is producing products, that drive up the suburban tax base, not the tax base in which those workers are from. It is not that the suburbs don't have the work force, from seeing this with my own eye's, that for the Caucasian manufacturing is not their idea of the American dream, which is why a company work force will be 20% Caucasian and 80% African-American, with the Caucasians holding 99% of the skill trades, minor and major supervisory positions in the average " plant ".in Michigan. Companies know with out black labor the machines will not run 24/7!.Oh sure with in the last 20 years we have noticed an influx of arabic speaking people and latino's working in the " plants " however, if you worked in the " plants " with those groups, you know that you have a way different approach to everything regarding work and see things way different when it comes to certain work issues. With that being said African-Americans are still at least 92% of the labor in any " plant ". If Detroit don't go to work the suburbs will suffer! The temp agencies would close with in weeks and the production schedules of the " plants " will bring logistics to a screeching halt!.While working in the " plants " I often wonder, what would happen if Detroit workers rejected temp services, staffing firms and of the like as sources of employment and forced companies to hire direct and move to Detroit!. It would devastate the manufacturing industry. It also will show Detroiters the power they have in labor, without a union, just uniting for one common cause. With this type of power one can demand that, if i am to travel to the suburbs, i want no less then $15 per hour starting ). I often looked around and said " dam we have the numbers to do this ". I often thought that this company thinks so little of me that they pay me a low wage and expect me  to travel far and perform as if I am getting paid what a regular worker get paid?, no wonder job turn over in the suburbs is off the charts. Hey I learned this much, if a company has a revolving door, 9 times out of  10 it is not the employee's. With out the black labor S.M.A.R.T Transportation will begin to see a massive drop in ridership, if The Detroit Work Force stood against going to far to work. Now while one may ponder the few hundreds they may loose on the weekly taking a stand, I encourage that same person to ponder how many millions that " plant " is loosing for every minute your not there. The Detroit Work Force must begin to re-tool!, Hey there are no jobs any way so what better time to re think ones approach to employment, especially employment that is more of a burden then support. Then my friends, i woke up from my break.Black labor remains to be the back bone of labor and with out that bone, no body can stand. I have seen the in balance of power in the " plant " I have also witnessed, black folks selling each other out for favorable position under Caucasians in the " plant " which in most cases only brought that person maybe 4 more days of employment then the person he or she sold out. Now one of the main reasons we don't see the plants with more nationalities on the work force, is not because of legal issues, those groups refuse t build something that cost 30,000 to 80,000 and only get $10 per hr, if those groups get legal, it will be worth the paper work!.The biggest problem is, Michigan Manufacturing knows that they have black folks right where they want them, regarding manufacturing, but woe! unto Michigan manufacturing industry if those blacks ever woke up!.

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