Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I will be the first to admit, a lot of the problems we face today as a community stretches far beyond political woes!. A failing school district really equates to a failing community. I agree a city council that has only 3 brains existing in the outfit dose not help at all either, how ever mis-guided parenting does far more damage!. In 2012 the out cry is still " mentor young black men " or some may say " the youth of today are lost " well I say " have you ever met their parents?. Now when I talk to the youth and I ask them about their up bringing, I always ask " have your parents taught you or showed you the difference between right and wrong? ", Now the reason I ask this question is to weed out the bullshit quickly and get strait to the point!. Now when they say yes!, my mother or parents taught me the difference between right and wrong, and with that being said to do otherwise, mean's you are either crazy!, or you don't love your parents enough to respect their word, even outside of your home or your parents are not strong enough to enforce the needed discipline to assure that your upbringing will be a healthy upbringing. Broken homes maybe the reason or one of the top reason's for this vicious cycle we are seeing today. I have always been of the ideology that children only mimic what they see in the home, or what's being allowed to be seen in the home. The main influence first starts at home or someone else home. Some men who are abusive to their wives, will admit that they handle that situation like that, because they seen their father handle their mother like that every time they were in a argument, if force was the choice to settle it. So how can anyone deny seeing the same thing repeatedly growing up will not have at least a 40% affect on a person's thinking pattern. Some women while growing up only know what they were told by their mother's when it comes to men. So some will repeat that pattern. Mom attracts abusive men, the little girl grows up some what thinking that that is ok, after seeing it for so long she will probably suffer the most mental damage. If the parents are not working, but is encouraging working, it may fall on deaf ears, because children do what they see not what they are told. If the parents are alcoholic's, most likely the children or some of the children will grow up with the taste of spirits on their tongue. The children are the products of the home and what that home embodies outside of public life. This is not just a single mother issue, when we know of far to many cases of children from more wealthy backgrounds with both parents present who lack a lot of the same parenting support those who are not so wealthy lack.

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