Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Kwame Kilpatrick no doubt is a great man!. I once had issues with this brother on political issues,How ever,  on a personal and citizen level, I have to admit that the brother did a great job that would never be reported by the pig's The Detroit News, The Detroit Free Press, Fox 2 News and other media outlets hire to cover Kwame. Let's first take a look at who Detroit and metro Detroit choose  as a top source of news and information. These journalist had to get their degree's if they have any, from a cracker jack box. For almost 3 years these journalist made news out of something that did not even happen.  They coined it " Never Proven Party ", so if  you asses as journalist had no proof of this party and the basis of journalism is to report facts, then why were they reporting a urban legend?, and the public brought it!. Yes Fox 2 news, The Detroit Free Press,and  The Detroit news fabricated a story and sold it! Well they could have focused their journalistic talent's into the program Kwame Kilpatrick and Attorney Sharon McPhail created that began and was successful in putting the mothers of children who were receiving welfare back to meaningful employment. If the general public had knowledge of what no-bid and bid-contracts meant then there would not be one person who would find that man guilty. If you listen to these media outlets they will began to subliminally shape your opinion about anybody and anything. If it is metro Detroit as the jurors, Kwame will not get a fair trial, because cracker's hate Kwame!. They don't live in Detroit, so how come the people of Oakland County or any where in Michigan have a problem with a place they don't reside?. Unless that place has something they want. (which will be another blog ) What the news media is trying to perpetuate to the public is that Black people will acquit Kwame, because he's black. They know very well that there are a over whelming number of people in Detroit that still loves Kwame Kilpatrick, and because they, ( crackers, fox 2 news, Detroit free press, Detroit news ) can't find a Black person to see this trial the way they want them to see the trial they assassinate the character of that juror and continue to print rhetoric about the trial. If real Detroit are the juror's this trial would be fair!. The media knows this the judge knows this. If you are smart enough to investigate this thing yourself, because every thing that happens in contracts are public record when concerning the city, you too will see that the only thing Kwame did was stopped white contracts from robbing our city through the bidding process.

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