After seeing Bill Clinton deliver his speech which I think was boring I have to say this!., people love this man so much that they forgot, that it was his n.a.f.t.a agreement that destroyed the American Automotive Economy in the first place It was a strategic move and one of the best forms of deception that I or we have ever witnessed and was victim to. The N..A.F.T.A was signed during Bill Clinton's term in office, but did not take effect until Bush Jr was elected, which would make it appear that it was Bush who created the mess. It worked! Every worker in the automotive industry should receive compensation from Bill Clinton for the damage he has done to their live's by signing that horrible N.A.F.T.A. Now for Black folks who are to blinded by the brother ( Pres Barakk Obama) if he did not have a urban agenda during his first term in office and not yet has spoke of one while trying to seek another term in office, then guess what? there will not be a Urban Agenda when he his re-elected!, How ever, Mit is a dick! so to vote for him would be a pure slap in the face of the middle class period!. I said all of that to say this, The time must come when we as a community vote smarter! It is time that we as a community demand that blacks define the roles of blacks in political,social and economic levels, because until we are able to define our own roles it does not matter who is president. Let's be real the president only has 8 years is office ( if elected twice ) how much do you think he can really do?. I will say this in my opinion, if all black folks were midlle class and some wealthy, i bet you they would vote for a person like Mit Romeny, they would vote republican, because their interest would be different, we are trained to think poor, we are trained to think Democrat, yet the Democratic party like the N.A.A.C.P, and such other organizations are non-effective when it comes to direct grievances for black people not just in Detroit, but across this nation. yes I will vote for Obama again, but I am glad that after this eight years I don't have to vote for him any more!. Black people the past is only a glimpse into the future!.
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