Friday, September 14, 2012


Detroit have we forgot that it was that dirty white bitch Gov Granholm who denied us the opportunity to vote for then Sen. Barakk Obama?. Have forgot that it was and still her driver's responsibility fee that has abrogated  Michigan citizens right to travel?. So why would Detroit even give this bitch a ear?! What she did not say in that speech that she did nothing that we can say because of this bitch, we are this much better in Detroit. Did she mention in her speech the unjust jailing of rev. pickney (benton harbor n.a.a.c.p chapter )? just so her and whirlpool corp, can enjoy lake side golfing, when rev pickney took both to task about displacing poor black families to achieve this goal?. Of course that bitch would not mention this to the d.n.c. they would have booed her ass!. Detroit have we forgot that it was the inept and mundane thinking of Jenifer Granholm that bought Robert " Bad Job " Bobb to destroy the Detroit Public School System?. detroit have we forgot that it was not that long ago when this dirty white bitch Jenifer Granholm and Gary" doo doo " Brown, and " stinkin " Sauntel Jenkins ( Detroit City Council ) who fought to abrogate the voting rights of the citizens of Detroit. Let us not forget that while Rev Pickney was jailed it was her court judge appointee who jailed Rev Pickney just because he quoted a scripture from the bible, yet we thought this country was built on Christian values. The world might have just met Jenifer Granholm, however, her crimes against humanity here in the State of Michigan remain current on all of our minds!.

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