Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I will be the first to admit, a lot of the problems we face today as a community stretches far beyond political woes!. A failing school district really equates to a failing community. I agree a city council that has only 3 brains existing in the outfit dose not help at all either, how ever mis-guided parenting does far more damage!. In 2012 the out cry is still " mentor young black men " or some may say " the youth of today are lost " well I say " have you ever met their parents?. Now when I talk to the youth and I ask them about their up bringing, I always ask " have your parents taught you or showed you the difference between right and wrong? ", Now the reason I ask this question is to weed out the bullshit quickly and get strait to the point!. Now when they say yes!, my mother or parents taught me the difference between right and wrong, and with that being said to do otherwise, mean's you are either crazy!, or you don't love your parents enough to respect their word, even outside of your home or your parents are not strong enough to enforce the needed discipline to assure that your upbringing will be a healthy upbringing. Broken homes maybe the reason or one of the top reason's for this vicious cycle we are seeing today. I have always been of the ideology that children only mimic what they see in the home, or what's being allowed to be seen in the home. The main influence first starts at home or someone else home. Some men who are abusive to their wives, will admit that they handle that situation like that, because they seen their father handle their mother like that every time they were in a argument, if force was the choice to settle it. So how can anyone deny seeing the same thing repeatedly growing up will not have at least a 40% affect on a person's thinking pattern. Some women while growing up only know what they were told by their mother's when it comes to men. So some will repeat that pattern. Mom attracts abusive men, the little girl grows up some what thinking that that is ok, after seeing it for so long she will probably suffer the most mental damage. If the parents are not working, but is encouraging working, it may fall on deaf ears, because children do what they see not what they are told. If the parents are alcoholic's, most likely the children or some of the children will grow up with the taste of spirits on their tongue. The children are the products of the home and what that home embodies outside of public life. This is not just a single mother issue, when we know of far to many cases of children from more wealthy backgrounds with both parents present who lack a lot of the same parenting support those who are not so wealthy lack.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Kwame Kilpatrick no doubt is a great man!. I once had issues with this brother on political issues,How ever,  on a personal and citizen level, I have to admit that the brother did a great job that would never be reported by the pig's The Detroit News, The Detroit Free Press, Fox 2 News and other media outlets hire to cover Kwame. Let's first take a look at who Detroit and metro Detroit choose  as a top source of news and information. These journalist had to get their degree's if they have any, from a cracker jack box. For almost 3 years these journalist made news out of something that did not even happen.  They coined it " Never Proven Party ", so if  you asses as journalist had no proof of this party and the basis of journalism is to report facts, then why were they reporting a urban legend?, and the public brought it!. Yes Fox 2 news, The Detroit Free Press,and  The Detroit news fabricated a story and sold it! Well they could have focused their journalistic talent's into the program Kwame Kilpatrick and Attorney Sharon McPhail created that began and was successful in putting the mothers of children who were receiving welfare back to meaningful employment. If the general public had knowledge of what no-bid and bid-contracts meant then there would not be one person who would find that man guilty. If you listen to these media outlets they will began to subliminally shape your opinion about anybody and anything. If it is metro Detroit as the jurors, Kwame will not get a fair trial, because cracker's hate Kwame!. They don't live in Detroit, so how come the people of Oakland County or any where in Michigan have a problem with a place they don't reside?. Unless that place has something they want. (which will be another blog ) What the news media is trying to perpetuate to the public is that Black people will acquit Kwame, because he's black. They know very well that there are a over whelming number of people in Detroit that still loves Kwame Kilpatrick, and because they, ( crackers, fox 2 news, Detroit free press, Detroit news ) can't find a Black person to see this trial the way they want them to see the trial they assassinate the character of that juror and continue to print rhetoric about the trial. If real Detroit are the juror's this trial would be fair!. The media knows this the judge knows this. If you are smart enough to investigate this thing yourself, because every thing that happens in contracts are public record when concerning the city, you too will see that the only thing Kwame did was stopped white contracts from robbing our city through the bidding process.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


When whites say " slavery was the past " or " we should just move on " I say" I bet you would like to keep slavery in the past and I bet you would like to just move on when you are the one responsible for the damages ". When Black folks talk about slavery, how dare anyone say " Just let it go " Well tell the Jews to just forget about the holocaust, tell the Jew's that the past is the past and that they should move on. The difference in what happened to the Jews vs. the African Slave trade are, Africans were stolen from their homeland. How ever to provide full reparations to us of African descent will mean to deprive others( american europeans ) of something they were getting that were never entitled to. It was not the U.S who killed millions of Jews, so why should the U.S pay back such a debt?, how ever it was the Catholic Church along with the U.S who stole human beings from the Northwest and South Western shores  of  Morocco. Yes I would admit that it was African culture that started slavery, how ever it was more like indentured service, slaves were paid, slaves were well taken care off, slaves had rights (both civil and human ) slaves earned competitive wages, slaves had freedom of movement, slaves worked for their master, they were not owned by their masters. It was the American European's idea to rape the African women, it was The American European idea to kill the African husband of that woman if he opposed his wife being raped. It was the American European idea to force Africans to labor for free! It was The American European idea to own humans. So,I say, let us never forget their idea's for our people, for their ideas are not and never has been ideal for those of African Descent. Never forget about slavery, the Tuskegee experiment, Black Wall Street ( Tulsa, Oklahoma ) and many other events that has impeded the progression of people of African Descent living in America. Oh so we don't forget, we are not African American, if so then point out to me  the Country America on the African continent.

Friday, September 14, 2012


Detroit City Council President Charles Pugh said " a 30 year deal on bell isle not acceptable " and I say 4 more years of Charles Pugh leadership will be just as detrimental! Charles Pugh who signed the infamous consent agreement without reading show's Detroit that this man either can't read, or he just didn't give a dam about Detroit and it's future. Why did Charles Pugh and the other 4 asses sign our city over to the State with nothing indicating in this agreement as to when the agreement will be over?. Why did they sign this agreement without the State specifying how much money they are willing to invest to make Detroit better?. Well because neither of these waste of a good nut, bothered to read the dam Consent Agreement!. Gov. Rick Snyder proposed nothing, but was able to gain control over Detroit. I think Charles Pugh might have gave the Governor some head or allowed the governor to bend him over or maybe the other way around. However, to vote this man in again will be the most inept choice Detroit's will make as a voting community.  You would think with a man as the head of our city council, a black man at that, things would fair quite well for those of African descent living in the City of Detroit. Well, Charles Pugh was a news anchor and a radio talk show  host who was poor steward over his own finances, yet with this knowledge, he still gained 80,000 votes. This could be, because he is openly gay and black women love openly gay men. Also having radio popularity helped him win without people even really checking him out to see if he really would be the right choice, well guess what as you can see now, Charles Pugh has fucked the voters of Detroit. This man can't point to nothing he has done other then bringing that wicked gay pride fest that was once held in Ferndale,Mich to down town Detroit, Hart Plaza. During public comments at city council he allots 1 minute to hear from those who he suppose to represent. During this 1minute queen Charles allots, you can see her/him gazing at the ceiling, picking his finger nails, looking at other council members, whispering to other city workers, but not paying attention to the people who she, I mean him is suppose to represent. This man did not have the nuts to tell the Governor to fuck off and pay us our 260mil plus the State owes detroit,but no in true bitch fashion he buckled and we know he did not read the agreement because when asked about the specific's he don't  say " I did't read that in the consent agreement " no his answer is " the Governor did not tell us he was going to do this " well ass wipe had you read the consent agreement you would have know what the governor's intentions were. The 30 year deal for the State to control Bell Isle is not good for Detroit and four more years of Charles Pugh will be far worse!


Detroit have we forgot that it was that dirty white bitch Gov Granholm who denied us the opportunity to vote for then Sen. Barakk Obama?. Have forgot that it was and still her driver's responsibility fee that has abrogated  Michigan citizens right to travel?. So why would Detroit even give this bitch a ear?! What she did not say in that speech that she did nothing that we can say because of this bitch, we are this much better in Detroit. Did she mention in her speech the unjust jailing of rev. pickney (benton harbor n.a.a.c.p chapter )? just so her and whirlpool corp, can enjoy lake side golfing, when rev pickney took both to task about displacing poor black families to achieve this goal?. Of course that bitch would not mention this to the d.n.c. they would have booed her ass!. Detroit have we forgot that it was the inept and mundane thinking of Jenifer Granholm that bought Robert " Bad Job " Bobb to destroy the Detroit Public School System?. detroit have we forgot that it was not that long ago when this dirty white bitch Jenifer Granholm and Gary" doo doo " Brown, and " stinkin " Sauntel Jenkins ( Detroit City Council ) who fought to abrogate the voting rights of the citizens of Detroit. Let us not forget that while Rev Pickney was jailed it was her court judge appointee who jailed Rev Pickney just because he quoted a scripture from the bible, yet we thought this country was built on Christian values. The world might have just met Jenifer Granholm, however, her crimes against humanity here in the State of Michigan remain current on all of our minds!.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Will True Leadership Please Stand Up!

When you ask Detroit City Council Pres Charles Pugh details concerning the consent agreement his answer will be and has been " let me get back to you on that " or  " hmm i think so, i'm not sure ", how can this even be real. 5 Detroit City Council members signed a " Consent Agreement " with the State of Michigan and did not even read the dam contract!. Any time these 5 asses make comments like, " that's not what we was told " or " the Governor didn't mention  that " when concerning the " Consent Agreement " it is a sure sign that neither were ever concerned about the well being of Detroit or it's people. The biggest cop-out that darkies like these 5 asses ( Charles Pugh, Gary brown, Sauntel Jenkins,James Tate, Rev Spivey ) always submit to is " we just want to see Detroit get better " well dumb asses, that is what the people elected you who proved to be utter waste of a good fuck to do for the people and the city of Detroit. Not one of these 5 asses stood up for the poor people of those communities where black families have been dis-located just to accommodate a suburban thirst for river front living. Only 3 of the Detroit City Council has stood firm in the face of threats by those who owe's our city and still refuse to back down. The biggest ass of them all has to be Detroit City council Pro-Tem Gary Brown, (a sell-out if there ever was one ) continues to vote the way of  his white slave master Gov. Rick Snyder. Every victory Detroit wins' this dick sucker goes behind closed doors with certain State officials to try to undermine the people's victory ie, ( Gary Brown along with that dirty white bitch Jenifer Granholm( former governor of Michigan and the same bitch who conspired with Hilary Clinton to prevent Michigan from voting for then senator Barak Obama) and Wendell Anthony ( Pres N.A.A.C.P Detroit chapter )tried to deny the people of Detroit their right to vote!. Yes!  In 2012 still denying African Americans the right to vote!, when this attempt was crushed by great leaders such as Helen Moore, Min. Malik Shabazz and other great social organizations in the grass roots movements of Detroit, Gary brown filed suit to have the Michgan State Attorney General look into why the people won. I bet Detroit City Council Pro-Tem Gary Brown's breathe smell's like Attorney Bill Shutte's balls sweat!. These 5 asses have done everything contrary to the will of those who elected them, the People Of Detroit!. Real leadership concerning Detroit must come from within Detroit. This is not a job for an " outsider " or some as some whites would say " some one who know's what they are doing ", no this is a job for a person man or woman who know the Detroit experience, who has lived the Detroit experience, that is the one who has experience in getting Detroit back on track oh yeah to those who read this with the love of whites in mind, ask them what did COLEMAN A. YOUNG do so bad other than make Detroit comfortable for a populace who had the gut's to stay and not run like little cowards to suburban living, what happen to fight for Detroit, instead these whites took a flight out of Detroit?.

Friday, September 7, 2012


After seeing Bill Clinton deliver his speech which I think was boring I have to say this!., people love this man so much that they forgot, that it was his n.a.f.t.a agreement that destroyed the American Automotive Economy in the first place It was a strategic move and one of the best forms of deception that I or we have ever witnessed and was victim to. The N..A.F.T.A  was signed during Bill Clinton's term in office, but did not take effect until  Bush Jr was elected, which would make it appear that it was Bush who created the mess. It worked! Every worker in the automotive industry should receive compensation from Bill Clinton for the damage he has done to their live's by signing that horrible N.A.F.T.A.  Now for Black folks who are to blinded by the brother ( Pres Barakk Obama) if he did not have a urban agenda during his first term in office and not yet has spoke of one while trying to seek another term in office, then guess what? there will not be a Urban Agenda when he his re-elected!, How ever, Mit is a dick! so to vote for him would be a pure slap in the face of the middle class period!. I said all of that to say this, The time must come when we as a community vote smarter! It is time that we as a community demand that blacks define the roles of blacks in political,social and economic levels, because until we are able to define our own roles it does not matter who is president. Let's be real the president only has 8 years is office ( if elected twice ) how much do you think he can really do?. I will say this in my opinion, if all black folks were midlle class and some wealthy, i bet you they would vote for a person like Mit Romeny, they would vote republican, because their interest would be different, we are trained to think poor, we are trained to think Democrat, yet the Democratic party like the N.A.A.C.P, and such other organizations are non-effective when it comes to direct grievances for black people not just in Detroit, but across this nation. yes I will vote for Obama again, but I am glad that after this eight years I don't have to vote for him any more!. Black people the past is only a glimpse into the future!. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Yes! it is proven in European history, World history and loads of research!. Children of African descent have proven over time that their brilliance is and will never be matched. The only thing I see that will dilute this power is being part of a upbringing that has no idea of that brilliance and when confronted with it destroys it with toys( wii, sega, play stations, ect ) or as some of us will say " we ain't like them, you ain't better then nobody " when the truth is, ain't no Caucasian father or mother telling their children in the confines of their own home that their children are not better then black children, if you think other wise, then you are stupid!. Caucasians will jump at every chance to avoid dialogue about superiority when it comes to Caucasians and blacks when the conversation is with a black person. They will however have this dialogue amongst each other and with great wording! So I say, their is  greatness about Black children that black children need to know about and cherish! It is the very essence of who they are!.The Black community has been stuck inside a box for decades!. This box only allows most to think one particular way. That way is always deny yourself!, this looks good in front of God and the communities abroad, yet not one community abroad will deny them or their's one grain of salt to help the Black community. This is something that our children should know so that they may develop a healthy biasness that will keep them loyal to their culture and their true history!. It is criminal for Black children to grow up believing that they are inferior when in fact the superiority lie with in them. Black children mind's are far brighter and more perceptive then the most well learned or degreed Caucasian, how ever, we send our children to school to be taught by the inferior ones. I heard a brilliant Black child at a school meeting say to his class mates " aha i passed my spelling test and i didn't even have to study! " and the child's mother said " boy shut up! that ain't nothing to be bragging about ". That right their was stupid upon the mothers thoughts, not recognizing the greatness of the statement that her Black child made, making him feel inferior despite what he already knows and maybe to appease those Caucasian teachers who can never be capable to comprehend the thinking of the Black childe, because everything that was taken from that Black child was taken by a human who resembles their teacher or may very  well be looking at a  descendent of those who oppressed that Black child's people, hence to teach that Black child his or her true history, is to admit the damage they have done to that Black child in history and like I said Caucasians will not dialogue about this!.

Friday, August 31, 2012


When GOV. RICK SNYDER (R) Said " I want to help Detroit " he did not mention, helping Detroit will result in Detroiter's loosing their cities resources. White folks form of help is clothed in good attentions, but manifest in the abrogation of black folks rights and civil liberties and precious resources. Whites way of help is to take, pillage and destroy!. I often wonder, because some whites have businesses, do they think they are more smarter then those who work or don't work. Whites need to know this one thing, in a million years they will never be smarter then the dumbest black person, their most well learned white male or woman has proven over and over again that white leadership is without bases, conscious, logic, and law and are the most inept group of thinkers in this world, all one have to do is look at the pattern of these men and women. From the Senate to the House of representatives, our country has became a world enemy under white leadership. Gov. Rick Snyder who is a white man, under his leadership has stole! under this white man's leadership school districts have failed. ( Roy Roberts, Gov Snyder appointee )  My question would be to Gov. Snyder and any other white man or woman in leadership, why won't you guys appoint a black man over your precious school districts, black school districts only get in trouble when the federal government allot millions of dollars to public schools and white leaders want in on that cash!. Well understand the history of the white man, when they want something illegally,  they know they are not suppose to have, white leadership causes chaos for that entity, business, or country, then after causing the problem, white leadership submit contracts that says their the experts in fixing the very problem that white leadership created in the first place. The Detroit Public Schools was fine until whites in leadership found out that the Detroit Public School System had a Billion dollar surplus, so here come the hungry dogs!. It is white leadership that said " Detroit children need's better ", well if it is white leadership offering that help and offering to make things better, expect the worse, expect pillaging, expect lie's to be told to achieve these intended goals, that's the way white's roll!. Gov. Rick Snyder is a perfect example of white leadership and how blacks or black cities and entities fail under such low and inept thinking. The biggest problem is, that whites never see the wrong in their doings and then when caught lie their way out of that situation and blame you!. Whites never check other whites about their treatment of blacks. If so where are the whites who stand against a white man taking over black communities? where are the letters from whites in Michigan encouraging Gov. Snyder to pay Detroit the 220million plus that the state owe's Detroit?, not one white came to the defense of Detroit when whites are trying to destroy it. However when white children are not smart enough to read packages on bath salts and smoke those bath salts, the whole world move on something that they should not even be moving on. Like i said when whites offer black folks help, black folks are deeper in debt, looses everything they worked hard for, then whites turn around and say well we tried to help, i tell you what help anybody but us! we got this, history is clear we are far smarter and brighter then your most well learned white man or white woman, oh yeah they are not white, white means " pure " ain't shit pure about a people who peel in the sun! call them what they are " Caucasians " inhabitants  from the caucus mountains!

Thursday, August 30, 2012


It has been rumoured that the fall of great black cities ( cities who city council,county government, and State representation are African american ) are due to corrupt practices done by black political officials. It will never be reported that Caucasian political officials had anything to do with that fall. In a city like Detroit, who is pre-dominantly African American, it is quite easy to see why one would only see the doings of the most noticeable. Under white leadership Detroit has failed! This is something that ass whole's, (well Nolan Finley is a whole ass )like Nolan Finley refuse to report. It was a white woman name Jenifer Granholm who thought that Robert Bobb was the best choice for an emergency financial situation. This man completely destroyed the Detroit Public School District by way of privatization. His idea of financial recovery was to to put the Detroit Public school District deeper in debt!. What did Robert Bobb show Jenifer Granholm  that said to her this is the right person for the job?. Robert Bobb has  record of destroying urban school districts, yet a " white woman " thought in her limited thinking that this is the best choice for black folks. ( again Black Cities Fail Under White Leadership ). Kwame Kilpatrik, Yes he was a good Mayor!. Kwame and Sharon Mcphail (who are black leaders) established a program that put the so-called "welfare mother"  back to work and not only working, but working a job that is paying between $15-$30 hr, in the high ranks of the hospitality industry and medical filed. Why didn't white folks who control the media in Detroit alert the world of this?. Now why would whites in Michigan criticize such a valiant effort to help citizens? Well white leadership within city government destroyed that program, ( i say if you want to expose how deep white corruption run's in Detroit, investigate Shelia Cokrel! ) White politicians in Lansing ( Michigan State Capitol )
refuse to aid black politicians from Detroit in passing bill's that will help Detroit, hell Tim Skubik (fox 2 news political correspondent )even admits that Those politicians are bias against Detroit, yet not one white has criticized their leaders for the lack of support for Detroit. So when you hear about corruption in Detroit and failed leadership, don't think of Kwame kilpatrik, Monica Conyers, Sam Riddle, no, think Mike Ilitch, Robert Penske, Dennis A Archer, Dave Bing, Compuware, Whirl Pool, Arramark, Gov. Snyder, State Treasure Andy Dillion, Roy Roberts,Karmanos, Wayne State University, Sheli Cokrel, Gary Brown (Detroit city council pro-tem), Jenifer granholm, John Engler, all who are either white or appointed or supported by white leadership!