Thursday, August 30, 2012


It has been rumoured that the fall of great black cities ( cities who city council,county government, and State representation are African american ) are due to corrupt practices done by black political officials. It will never be reported that Caucasian political officials had anything to do with that fall. In a city like Detroit, who is pre-dominantly African American, it is quite easy to see why one would only see the doings of the most noticeable. Under white leadership Detroit has failed! This is something that ass whole's, (well Nolan Finley is a whole ass )like Nolan Finley refuse to report. It was a white woman name Jenifer Granholm who thought that Robert Bobb was the best choice for an emergency financial situation. This man completely destroyed the Detroit Public School District by way of privatization. His idea of financial recovery was to to put the Detroit Public school District deeper in debt!. What did Robert Bobb show Jenifer Granholm  that said to her this is the right person for the job?. Robert Bobb has  record of destroying urban school districts, yet a " white woman " thought in her limited thinking that this is the best choice for black folks. ( again Black Cities Fail Under White Leadership ). Kwame Kilpatrik, Yes he was a good Mayor!. Kwame and Sharon Mcphail (who are black leaders) established a program that put the so-called "welfare mother"  back to work and not only working, but working a job that is paying between $15-$30 hr, in the high ranks of the hospitality industry and medical filed. Why didn't white folks who control the media in Detroit alert the world of this?. Now why would whites in Michigan criticize such a valiant effort to help citizens? Well white leadership within city government destroyed that program, ( i say if you want to expose how deep white corruption run's in Detroit, investigate Shelia Cokrel! ) White politicians in Lansing ( Michigan State Capitol )
refuse to aid black politicians from Detroit in passing bill's that will help Detroit, hell Tim Skubik (fox 2 news political correspondent )even admits that Those politicians are bias against Detroit, yet not one white has criticized their leaders for the lack of support for Detroit. So when you hear about corruption in Detroit and failed leadership, don't think of Kwame kilpatrik, Monica Conyers, Sam Riddle, no, think Mike Ilitch, Robert Penske, Dennis A Archer, Dave Bing, Compuware, Whirl Pool, Arramark, Gov. Snyder, State Treasure Andy Dillion, Roy Roberts,Karmanos, Wayne State University, Sheli Cokrel, Gary Brown (Detroit city council pro-tem), Jenifer granholm, John Engler, all who are either white or appointed or supported by white leadership!

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