Sunday, September 25, 2016

A person Detroit can count on, to count all votes! D.Etta Wilcoxon

There is something to be said about individuals who public service started before seeking public office. To embrace the will to serve the under served and a desire to help the un-desirable, to be a voice for the voiceless, while at the same time pursing excellence in law, I am more then sure that D.Etta Wilcoxon will serve Detroit magnificently in her capacity as Detroit City Clerk if elected. You will hear these word's quite frequently when speaking about certain candidates who the people did not vote for, but who are in office regardless of people's rejection,  "Some people are elected and some are selected ", a sentiment shared by 90% of the voting elect rate. The very statement implies that the clerk's office has been compromised!.Candidates that voter's have never seen or heard emerge three week's before an election and win!. The point is, as important as voting and voting right's are to our community, there should never be any type of implications of wrong doing regarding one of the most important political seat's in city government. Under the current clerk, Detroit'ers are stuck with individuals who simple were not voted for!, the public discuss proves this.  Fairness should always be the foundation of any movement or public funded entity while it seem's our current clerk does not share the same sentiment, I mean hey we are still missing 60,000 votes from 2 election's ago, missing ballot's, mistake's that has disenfranchised the voting base to the point engagement is low, it is time for a change Detroit!, far to long have we been counted out under this current clerk. Not that I don't like her, I just think that after conversation's with D.Etta Wilcoxon, this young lady is the best candidate for the job. She is the candidate I believe who will re-ignite the dormant voting block's created by disenfranchisement over the last 10 year's. Something as important as voting require's more then a twice a year billboard saying vote. Other then this, the engagement is at a bare minimum!. Who in Detroit even know's who is the city clerk?, in the last election Janice Winfrey secured over 80,000, in a city where only at best 35% show up to vote, yes i know those number's sound crazy.I also feel being an incumbent the same year you have to count the vote's provided lot's of motive for the rumor's and accusations that has loomed over the Detroit City Clerk's office. Person to person engagement, continued engagement is what the people need, a service currently provided by challenger D.Etta Wilcoxon, which is why I know she will serve well as our new Detroit City Clerk come Nov 2017.  Integrity is something that we have yet to see in the clerk's office, a restoration of that integrity is needed to re-ignite Detroit's voting block's. A voting base who are clear on what candidate's they support. While our current clerk may underestimate the astuteness of the voting electorate in Detroit, D.Etta Wilcoxon does!/  Already an advocate for fairness and transparency in the clerk's office, D.Etta Wilcoxon are one of few black women who are in the fight to assure our voting right's are secure and not tainted by miss count's and failed pole mis-haps. My choice for detroit City Clerk then was d.etta Wilcoxon, come 2017, my choice again will be D.Etta Wilcoxon.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

The problem with Charter Schools, lies more within it's employees then educating children.

Cultural differences will be a major impediment in  educating children through a Charter School or Charter School System. No matter if the employees are Caucasian or Black, if those employees ( Teacher's , Counselor's, Administrator's ect) are out of touch the with everyday experience that the children are dealing with on the daily basis, it will be almost impossible to reach those children and those children will fail, not due to not understanding academic's, but due to a teachers mis-understanding of that particular child or children.  While at it's core Charter Schools represent a system every and any parent should appreciate. The ability to somewhat run your own ship and almost be sovereign with public tax dollars, is the perfect gig for some one or an administration who's aim is to truly educate children in Urban communities. That love, respect, and understanding can only come from with in that particular community. Though professionals from out side of those urban centers where charter schools are formed, may dis-agree due to some even having a degree in child hood education , however, what good is a degree, if you fail in reaching the children you are trying to teach?.  I come to find out through my own research and talking to parents who have their children in charter schools, the consensus is general, 89% don't feel comfortable with Caucasian's teaching their children, especially those Caucasian's who has only connection's to the black pain and experience, not allied to those pain's and experiences. One parent ask " How come those teachers can't find job's in there communities? " more question like this persisted.  It's not that we are questioning the validity of those professionals will and love for the profession of teaching kid's, we are just of the mind set that personality conflicts, cultural differences,  and  pure lack of understanding black children has rendered black children with special education tittles, mental evaluations, ect.  Not that the child can't learn, there lies a cultural difference that the teacher can't get pass, so they most likely dis miss this child as a prospect to educate. It really does not help when the teacher is young, at best no degree, no children, no experience in urban settings.  Yet that same individual thinks he or she can effectively educate a child they know nothing about out side from the new's and media. We also found that when it comes to problem solving these out side professionals, lack the ability to solve problems our deal with what they consider problem children, out side of a " Expulsion " or so many write up's that a parent would just elect to withdraw their child from a school that has already secured state funding for that particular child.  When one consider what these professionals consider problems, these are no more then that professionals lack of patience and understanding of that child and his or her verbage, choice in vocabulary  when in extraordinary situations. As teachers we must keep in mind that we are here to serve not be served and their is an attitude amongst out side professionals when it comes to inner city children, that they must do what I say, instead of being compelling enough to command the attention of their audience which are their student's. Some feel that they don't have to be creative as one teacher said " I'm here to teach them not pamper  and amuse them " professionals like this will always lose their audience and never reach those they are trying to teach.  As teachers you must know that your student's are far more brighter and perceptive then the teacher who stand's before them. Yet outside professionals see things from their communities point of view then try to enact what they are use to into a setting that will reject that very way of life, in a setting that is a negative parallel in comparison thus making the child as those out side professionals would call it " hard to deal with ".  Charter Schools also have this un written rule that because they are Charter parents have very little say in the proceedings of charter schools and what they staff does and who they hire. I tell parents, treat Charter Schools just like you treat the public schools, for the Charter Schools also get's 90% of their funding from you the tax payers, they are not all private funded. If any public dollars are in that school, so should the public be there to voice their concerns about how those public dollars are used and where they go to. I truly believe that if the parental base who march, rally and protest at Public school board meetings, marched rallied and protested at Charter School board meetings and were equally involved in Charter Schools, those Charter's maybe the saving component for children who's parent's don't want their children in over crowded class rooms within a district that continues to be pillaged by both Out side, State and local entities. It seems no matter who controls the money over Detroit Public Schools from the Governor to the street bum's to the legislator's, it appears nobody can seem to do the right thing for the children of Detroit, it seems everybody want's to steal money from a district that in the words of the State has been " Cash Strapped " for the last 17 years, 15 of those years in which the State has had 100% control over Detroit Public Schools finances. Though the mainstream media will lie during coverage and exclaim " DPS" is in trouble again, that is code for State officials are stealing money from Detroit again. but we are to racist of a media outlet to call out those who really are bringing Detroit Public Schools to financial ruin .

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Will blacks fall for the Clinton's again?

Will Black folks fall for the Clinton's again?. I mean we can go on for days about how many black men were incarcerated during Bill Clinton's presidency. Bill Clinton's 3 strike law has incarcerated more black men then any other president in United States history. A law which Hilary Clinton is on record not only supporting, but referring to black children as " Super Predators ". Hey we can even talk about how it was her husband's N.A.F.T.A Bill that dam near obliterated the automotive economy in America, sure the effects of the bill didn't take place until George W. Bush Jr took office, but we all know that was Bill's doing.   In any other community including Hilary's own, it would be a slap in the face to the populace you ask to support you knowing dam well that your directly connected to a person who tried to destroy them and has done nothing to rectify their doings. I mean what will Hilary do to make amends to the black community for her husband's dirty deed's? Repeal his 3 strike law? Pay back all of those hard working automotive workers who lost their job's due to her husband's N.A.F.T.A Bill? Pay restitution to all of those Black and Latino men who are serving un-just life sentences due to her husband's 3 strike law?. It take balls the size of New York to run for president after such a horrible presidency with her husband. It was the beautiful, smart, aggressive, intelligent and politically astute  Ann Ivory Calvert who said " If a person is not doing anything for you now, best believe they will not do anything for you when you help them get to where they are going". Not one black woman can say why they are voting for Hilary Clinton. The most common reason is not even a reason it is more of a question when you ask the average. You may get this answer "Whats wrong with a woman being president ? " or " Do you have something against women becoming president? " never a calculated informed answer. I say Black women, because black men are simply not voting for Hilary, if there are black men who will vote for her, their just doing so to appease the person their sleeping with, but i bet when in that booth they will not select Hilary Clinton! The Clinton's  must think that they have the black vote under lock and key!, I mean why not think that way?, black folks did agree that her Caucasian husband was and happily and anxiously called him the first black president.The  black voter that the Clinton' machine seeks will not be that politically astute African American, it will not be that strong black woman who stands with her man, no that voter will be the voter who votes for her off of their  memory of Bill  being the first black president. The Clinton's want that nigga who was more impressed with Bill Clinton's saxophone playing on the Arsenio Hall Show then Bill Clinton's policy's that crippled a nation. Michigan is a big state for any political machine. How would Hilary win the black vote in a state where she conspired with another white lady to prevent black folks from voting for then sen. Barak Obama by having his name off the ballot leaving Hilary as the only choice for Michigan on the democratic ballot?. is this what " Girl Power " is all about?. Being in the position to pull the same stunts male politico's pull and never be held accountable, because well hey she''s a lady?. Hilary know that it don't take much to get the black vote, that is why she went to the Black Caucus instead of strait to black people. She has nothing for blacks. Anytime people go through your leaders to get to you, believe that they never had you or your best interest in mind. To go through the leader only confirms that that particular person lacks the inability to be genuine and real with you. It is much easier to take care or pay off a leader then to actual have to deal with those who follow him or her. This is why people like Hilary would go to a church, there is no real outreach on her part, shit the pastor will instruct his flock on how to vote. Easy peasy! What is happening that Democrats like Hilary Clinton will learn and see is, that those who you use to garner your vote is losing  and in some cases has lost all credibility with the black community. It's the old why can't i just talk to one nigga and let him tell everybody else what I said, let him convey to them what I plan to do. This way if I don't fall through the last person the people remember making the empty promise was their leader and what the politician has promised to the leader for helping the brain washing can and almost will be disputed by that politician. " I didn't tell your pastor I'd do that " " Oh your leader must have heard me wrong " Even in 2016 blacks are the easiest marks when it comes to voting. The only populace who you can promise almost nothing and still get their support!. The only populace who will vote not being astute on any of the issues at hand. The only populace who will vote just on name recognize alone!. Maybe Hilary and those alike are only part the of the problem. Maybe the biggest problem is not Donald Trump or Hilary Clinton or anybody we think don't fit. The biggest problem with politics is when you have a populace who votes stupidly and almost are never informed on the issue's. I mean if I was a politician looking for a political blow job, why not go to those who will do me for free? Why pay the whore, when she gave it up just cause she liked you or thought you looked good enough to just give it up to?.Will blacks fall for the Clinton's again? Will they allow N.A.F.T.A Bill #2 to become a reality? (if there is one ) Will there be a national 2 strike law enforced?. We don't know, but if  based on the past  and past and current affiliations which is commonly used in court proceedings, credit collections, traffic holds, child support holds, and the like, we almost can guest what another Clinton administration means and will do to America!.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Some Whites are connected to the pain blacks go through, Thats why they feel offended when blacks talk about the past!

Tomi Lahren and other Whites around the country have blasted Beyonc'e and Kendrick Lamar for their stands on what appears to be black power mixed with years and decades of pure white evil perpetuated against blacks in history. "Get over it", is the general consensus with white america when addressing slavery, the civil rights era or any other thing or event where whites has murdered blacks or deprived blacks of something that was rightfully theirs. Now first off, no white man or Caucasian has a legal claim to America. All of this  " Make America great again", crap, well for that to happen Caucasians would have to leave America!. Since when under the control of white rule have America ever been great?, just what are some whites alluding to when they say " Make America Great Again "?.  Messages of black power and the fact that whites have never seen a true day in court for their atrocities  against blacks makes one helluva bowl of racial and political gumbo!.The only way one should feel offended by another's action if that person some how in some way form or fashion has a direct connection to that persons pain and suffering. Other than having a connection to the pain why would their stand offend you who have done nothing wrong?, unless you feel deep in your heart that something wrong was done and it just so happen Tomi Lahren you and others bare the same complexion of those who are connected to  and are the cause of the pain and suffering black america has endured through systematic racism. The average white if successful is where they are at not , because of hard work, keep in mind whites made no real or substantial contributions to America, which is why whites are hardly ever celebrated in America, there is no white history month, I mean what will they talk about?, how whites killed the native Americans to gain control over the native's land, or How whites infected clothing with small pox's to gain control over the land that was never their's in the first place? Whites have nothing good to celebrate so they stick with the pagan holidays and honor themselves with awards of humanitarian efforts or philanthropic accolades.  So when people feel offended that Serna Willams is the top women's tennis champion the first reaction from white girls out of stupidity is " she's built like a man " no she can just play better then you. It has nothing to do with her body, Serna Willams is a awesome tennis player period!, and only can be beat if she allows herself to be beat. So to appease white girls who are less talented then Serena they will come up with some bull shit that says she has a man's body thats why she won. Now forever whites have always made up excuses blaming blacks for their lack of talent or intelligence, " he spooked me " " why he looking at me like that "yes whites have used the most piss poor of excuses to justify why they are less superior to blacks through out history.  See had whites in the pass wan't so bold as to leave history with such a fucked up imprint and tried to at least clean it up properly, the climate would not be no where near as high as it is today. Arrogance or maybe just pure stupidity has made America place of racial hatred and tensions that will never be calmed if left up to whites, whites have never tried not being racist no where in history!. Beyonce's stand at the super bowl has prompted reactions from right winged anchors all over. Whats the reaction for?, the truth is the truth!. Everything Beyonc'e is talking about in her song, whites did that to blacks, so don't get mad at Beyonc'e be mad at your people for leaving such a mundane and fucked up legacy. Whites are dumb if they still thinks blacks look to them to police other whites who harm them. However this is what white america wants. They want to do whatever they feel to blacks and when blacks react those whites seeks to kill them or sue them for defending themselves against thoes whites who are trying to harm them.  Its almost like whites are short of saying to blacks, " How dare you throw up in our faces what we did to your race " " How dare you bring up white privilege " " How dare you bring up the fact that after 50 years blacks still received un fair trials  and are still being convicted by all white jury's "  I say how dare you whites live your life as if you never or any of the things mentioned never went down?. Get over it? that is cold. What if the world told the Jews to " Get over the holocaust " ( which I think they should )This thing is far bigger then singers and rappers making stands publicly that they wouldnt normally make in their music. I mean after so many years of flying the eurocentric banner or imagery I can understand why blacks would blast Beyonc'e, i mean with sisters rocking afro's standing behind beyonc'e and her blonde weave does send mix messages. However why would white america feel offended unless white america still in 2016 feels and knows the pain they caused and still causing  to black america, which is a helluva story to cover for people like Tomi Lahren, instead of denying or covering up the past, explore the past deal with the past, own up to the past and make reparations for the past. It is equivalent to telling a rape victim to get over her ordeal just, because she was raped so long ago she should just move on. I for one hope that black artist continue today making these statements, because it only shows that white america has never answered for her atrocities against blacks, it shows white men who raped black women has never been brought to justice, it shows that white cops killing un-armed black men are no thing of the past, but forever part of the white man's future, it also shows that today in 2016 whites are un-able to condemn themselves for their wrongs against any human being. yet the news anchors find the story in the stand, not what the stand was about!. If what Beyonc'e is saying in her song is not true, that would be a easy one to dispute, but because it is true, whites don't even dispute it, they just become cold and arrogant and blast you for talking about it, yet they are never doing anything about it, not even in their own back yards.

Monday, February 1, 2016


By now the whole world are now just adjusting to the reality that almost an entire city was purposely poisoned with lead that was in their tap water by bad and thoughtless decisions made by a person who the people of Flint,Mi did not vote into office.  A person called " Emergency Manager " who was appointed over their city by a Governor the citizens didn't vote for. Darnell Earley is the jackass who pulled the switch on the contaminated water that basically made drinking water impossible to drink and impossible to bath with in Flint,Mi,  Now we can go on about the e-mails proving that Gov. Snyder and those he hired had covered this thing up and was well aware of the bad and contaminated condition of Flint's water. Instead lets just call this what it is!. Yes we can scream as Hip-Hop mogul Russell Simmons said " Environmental Racism! " or the general consensus in Michigan about Snyder, he's racist!  I am sure it is that and much more!, However this is what happens when you allow people to totally wipe out the democratic process and deny local officials and duly elected officials the privileged of fulfilling their offices for those who voted for them. Emergency Management in a nut shell is a process that allows Governors to seize assets of cities, municipalities and school districts under the guise of  " Bad Management Of Finances ". If need they will even lie to gain public support for this move to up root democracy. Hence Detroit's made up financial problems. The Governor once said " Detroit has been kicking the can for far to long " this is code for, Detroit and its elected officials have been successful in making sure racist dumb asses like Snyder will never get their hands on Detroit's assets. So in true blue eyed devil fashion, the Governor along with then treasure (who beats his wife and cheats on her and is a racist )  Andy Dillon conspired on how to make Detroit look broke so their up rooting of Detroit's democratic process appears legit. Keep in mind that piece of shit you call a NBA Hall of Fame'r Dave Bing also helped these two racist crackers cook up the theme that Detroit was broke and with Dave Bing being Mayor at the time of this lie, Dave Bing would be the perfect Coon/Sambo who has the power to make the illusion  look real!. Keep in mind it was then disgraced Detroit City Council Pres. Charles Pugh who paved the way for this process to begin in Detroit. How be it, under Emergency management all we do is legal and that which is illegal  that we do will be justified and there are no entities to pursue us in any court for our crimes against humanity. It is very dangerous to cancel out the democratic process if only for 3 minutes!.  Darnell Earley's decision to sign off on the water switch proves that Emergency managers are dumb asses and their decision making process is completely void of human spirit and the concerns of human beings. Flint was poisoned just to save a dollar! $10,000 to be exact!. Darnell Earley said all he did was " Ok the switch " well only a dumb ass would sign off on something without first investigating what it is that they are signing off on. I mean it is quite convenient to step back and say " I didn't personally make that decision, i just ok'd it " well your just as guiltily , because you ok'd it, and the general consensus is that you are aware of what your signing, I mean really who signs anything without having at least the gist of whats going on in regards as to what your signing?. Darnell Earley does! What amaze me is Governor Snyder rewards this piece of shit, by allowing his bad decision making process to rule over Detroit Public Schools.  So now it is clear with  water drives and Brita providing filters that don't prevent lead from going in the tap water and so far no plan of fixing the infrastructure in Flint,Mi we have to now say to the dumbest nerd ever! look who's kicking the can now?!. Yes we demand that you fix this Gov. Snyder! we also demand that you respect the 83 votes of 86 who voted no on the Emergency Manager law. The Michigan legislature, who are the body that allowed Gov. Snyder to bring back a law that was repealed and dead! P.A 72. are just as guilty! Now in a predominately Caucasian city or municipality to bring back dead laws to justify take overs would not fly at all!, however this Emergency Manager Law so far only effects cities,school districts and municipalities that are predominantly populated with African Americans of low income. Yes who knew that the Zip Coon and Sambo show would return, but not on our televisions, but in the form of Emergency Managers?.  It is said that it was the Flint city council who voted for the switch in the first place. Well let's say that this is true. I am sure that the council being Flint born and raised, living the Flint experience, who knows Flint better then an outsider, probably would have done a more thorough job in assuring that the switch was indeed safe, I am sure the Flint city council would have not done what dumb ass Darnell did, just blindly sign off on something cause it saved money, no im sure the flint city council would have assured that the switch was not just a financially sound move, but also good for the people of Flint Mi health. This is why you should never deprive local and duly elected officials of their power to serve their constituents un-fettered and without interference!. So what is the general consensus of White folks, " Snyder should fix it " " Oh at least he took responsibility " " Allow him to fix his mess " hmmmm, I wonder if this be the case, then why couldn't Kwame Kilpatrick be allowed ti fix the mess the federal government and the media said he made?. At least Kilpatrick's decision  making process didn't ruin thousands of lives forever, it just stopped white contractors from raping Detroit through the bid  and no-bid contract process.Though most would like and are doing so, you can't compare Kwame to Rick Snyder, Kwame steals, but shit Rick kills!!!