Sunday, September 25, 2016

A person Detroit can count on, to count all votes! D.Etta Wilcoxon

There is something to be said about individuals who public service started before seeking public office. To embrace the will to serve the under served and a desire to help the un-desirable, to be a voice for the voiceless, while at the same time pursing excellence in law, I am more then sure that D.Etta Wilcoxon will serve Detroit magnificently in her capacity as Detroit City Clerk if elected. You will hear these word's quite frequently when speaking about certain candidates who the people did not vote for, but who are in office regardless of people's rejection,  "Some people are elected and some are selected ", a sentiment shared by 90% of the voting elect rate. The very statement implies that the clerk's office has been compromised!.Candidates that voter's have never seen or heard emerge three week's before an election and win!. The point is, as important as voting and voting right's are to our community, there should never be any type of implications of wrong doing regarding one of the most important political seat's in city government. Under the current clerk, Detroit'ers are stuck with individuals who simple were not voted for!, the public discuss proves this.  Fairness should always be the foundation of any movement or public funded entity while it seem's our current clerk does not share the same sentiment, I mean hey we are still missing 60,000 votes from 2 election's ago, missing ballot's, mistake's that has disenfranchised the voting base to the point engagement is low, it is time for a change Detroit!, far to long have we been counted out under this current clerk. Not that I don't like her, I just think that after conversation's with D.Etta Wilcoxon, this young lady is the best candidate for the job. She is the candidate I believe who will re-ignite the dormant voting block's created by disenfranchisement over the last 10 year's. Something as important as voting require's more then a twice a year billboard saying vote. Other then this, the engagement is at a bare minimum!. Who in Detroit even know's who is the city clerk?, in the last election Janice Winfrey secured over 80,000, in a city where only at best 35% show up to vote, yes i know those number's sound crazy.I also feel being an incumbent the same year you have to count the vote's provided lot's of motive for the rumor's and accusations that has loomed over the Detroit City Clerk's office. Person to person engagement, continued engagement is what the people need, a service currently provided by challenger D.Etta Wilcoxon, which is why I know she will serve well as our new Detroit City Clerk come Nov 2017.  Integrity is something that we have yet to see in the clerk's office, a restoration of that integrity is needed to re-ignite Detroit's voting block's. A voting base who are clear on what candidate's they support. While our current clerk may underestimate the astuteness of the voting electorate in Detroit, D.Etta Wilcoxon does!/  Already an advocate for fairness and transparency in the clerk's office, D.Etta Wilcoxon are one of few black women who are in the fight to assure our voting right's are secure and not tainted by miss count's and failed pole mis-haps. My choice for detroit City Clerk then was d.etta Wilcoxon, come 2017, my choice again will be D.Etta Wilcoxon.

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