Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Some Whites are connected to the pain blacks go through, Thats why they feel offended when blacks talk about the past!

Tomi Lahren and other Whites around the country have blasted Beyonc'e and Kendrick Lamar for their stands on what appears to be black power mixed with years and decades of pure white evil perpetuated against blacks in history. "Get over it", is the general consensus with white america when addressing slavery, the civil rights era or any other thing or event where whites has murdered blacks or deprived blacks of something that was rightfully theirs. Now first off, no white man or Caucasian has a legal claim to America. All of this  " Make America great again", crap, well for that to happen Caucasians would have to leave America!. Since when under the control of white rule have America ever been great?, just what are some whites alluding to when they say " Make America Great Again "?.  Messages of black power and the fact that whites have never seen a true day in court for their atrocities  against blacks makes one helluva bowl of racial and political gumbo!.The only way one should feel offended by another's action if that person some how in some way form or fashion has a direct connection to that persons pain and suffering. Other than having a connection to the pain why would their stand offend you who have done nothing wrong?, unless you feel deep in your heart that something wrong was done and it just so happen Tomi Lahren you and others bare the same complexion of those who are connected to  and are the cause of the pain and suffering black america has endured through systematic racism. The average white if successful is where they are at not , because of hard work, keep in mind whites made no real or substantial contributions to America, which is why whites are hardly ever celebrated in America, there is no white history month, I mean what will they talk about?, how whites killed the native Americans to gain control over the native's land, or How whites infected clothing with small pox's to gain control over the land that was never their's in the first place? Whites have nothing good to celebrate so they stick with the pagan holidays and honor themselves with awards of humanitarian efforts or philanthropic accolades.  So when people feel offended that Serna Willams is the top women's tennis champion the first reaction from white girls out of stupidity is " she's built like a man " no she can just play better then you. It has nothing to do with her body, Serna Willams is a awesome tennis player period!, and only can be beat if she allows herself to be beat. So to appease white girls who are less talented then Serena they will come up with some bull shit that says she has a man's body thats why she won. Now forever whites have always made up excuses blaming blacks for their lack of talent or intelligence, " he spooked me " " why he looking at me like that "yes whites have used the most piss poor of excuses to justify why they are less superior to blacks through out history.  See had whites in the pass wan't so bold as to leave history with such a fucked up imprint and tried to at least clean it up properly, the climate would not be no where near as high as it is today. Arrogance or maybe just pure stupidity has made America place of racial hatred and tensions that will never be calmed if left up to whites, whites have never tried not being racist no where in history!. Beyonce's stand at the super bowl has prompted reactions from right winged anchors all over. Whats the reaction for?, the truth is the truth!. Everything Beyonc'e is talking about in her song, whites did that to blacks, so don't get mad at Beyonc'e be mad at your people for leaving such a mundane and fucked up legacy. Whites are dumb if they still thinks blacks look to them to police other whites who harm them. However this is what white america wants. They want to do whatever they feel to blacks and when blacks react those whites seeks to kill them or sue them for defending themselves against thoes whites who are trying to harm them.  Its almost like whites are short of saying to blacks, " How dare you throw up in our faces what we did to your race " " How dare you bring up white privilege " " How dare you bring up the fact that after 50 years blacks still received un fair trials  and are still being convicted by all white jury's "  I say how dare you whites live your life as if you never or any of the things mentioned never went down?. Get over it? that is cold. What if the world told the Jews to " Get over the holocaust " ( which I think they should )This thing is far bigger then singers and rappers making stands publicly that they wouldnt normally make in their music. I mean after so many years of flying the eurocentric banner or imagery I can understand why blacks would blast Beyonc'e, i mean with sisters rocking afro's standing behind beyonc'e and her blonde weave does send mix messages. However why would white america feel offended unless white america still in 2016 feels and knows the pain they caused and still causing  to black america, which is a helluva story to cover for people like Tomi Lahren, instead of denying or covering up the past, explore the past deal with the past, own up to the past and make reparations for the past. It is equivalent to telling a rape victim to get over her ordeal just, because she was raped so long ago she should just move on. I for one hope that black artist continue today making these statements, because it only shows that white america has never answered for her atrocities against blacks, it shows white men who raped black women has never been brought to justice, it shows that white cops killing un-armed black men are no thing of the past, but forever part of the white man's future, it also shows that today in 2016 whites are un-able to condemn themselves for their wrongs against any human being. yet the news anchors find the story in the stand, not what the stand was about!. If what Beyonc'e is saying in her song is not true, that would be a easy one to dispute, but because it is true, whites don't even dispute it, they just become cold and arrogant and blast you for talking about it, yet they are never doing anything about it, not even in their own back yards.

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