Monday, March 23, 2015
With out Detroit, Michigan ain't Shit!
Detroit is a very special place and has been for quite some time. The move to force Detroit into bankruptcy by Gov. Snyder, Dave Bing ( Then Mayor Bing) and then State Treasurer Andy Dillion is just one of many moves made by racist right-winged politicians and lobbyist to rob Detroit and destroy the spirit of those who reside in Detroit. However, the spirit of those who continue to reside in Detroit through the good times and bad times has proven to be far more perceptive and resilient then those racist bastard's who seek to remove them through bias legislation and just plain theft!.DETROIT IS THE MECCA OF MICHIGAN!. Detroit like many other urban cities is located in a place where there lies the most beautiful shorelines in the United States. Where there is water there is power!. There is beauty and inspiration and for some reason Caucasians in upper Michigan and surrounding suburbs feel like those people in Detroit don't deserve that beauty and inspiration. Those outsiders also know oh to well that politically Detroit still is a powerhouse which is why those good ole Caucasian Democrats always latches on to one of our local activist or politicians or popular business leaders from where of all places in Michigan when time to get the vote of Detroit?, Detroit!. Now from State Sen. Coleman Young Jr to State Rep Jimmy Womack, they all will confess that when doing positive things for Detroit is introduced through legislation in Lansing, it is destroyed by the overwhelming number of Senators and State Rep's from other districts in Michigan who's attitude is basically fuck Detroit!. Michigan houses a racist attitude when it comes to it's populations of African-American and Latino-Americans. Which speaks volumes to the take overs that Detroit has endured for decades!. Detroit official's are always un-fairly attacked by the racist media outlet's such as Fox 2 news and the Free Press. Who never tells the truth or does good and thoughtful reporting when it comes to Detroit. When Detroit school system began to fail the student's, it was not by the hand's of it's school board member's or officials, what the racist news media outlet's such as Fox 2 news did not report is that for over 20 years the Detroit Board Of Education has been under State control. Yet the public was shown stories about how students didn't have toilet paper to divert the attention away from the State of Michigan and there take over. When " Bad Job " Robert Bobb was appointed Emergency Manager over the Detroit Public Schools, he showed the public by way of Fox 2 news and other racist media outlet's school equipment and gadgets that according to him was stolen by school officials, but found everything on school property and charged school officials with stealing stuff that was still on school grounds when found, if anything the school officials are guilty of not using the equipment or gadgets. The media wants Detroiters to view their public officials as incompetent so they can craft stories like the school board members are stealing and sell papers and air time. Robert Bobb got paid to close down schools in under privileged areas so that racist individuals who couldn't previously obtain that particular school before can now buy it as a foreclosed property and do as they will with that property in that particular district which normally theses former educational institutions sit and rot!. Kwame Kilpatrick was a good Mayor, he was found guilty of a host of charges which has not yet been proven, nor has the courts dis-closed the so called amount of money Kwame suppose to have stole from the city of Detroit. Not one person on that jury had any knowledge of city contracts or it's process. Also it is know fact that the Mayor of Detroit can't give away contracts nor can the Mayor award contracts, it is the Detroit City Council who awards contracts, so if Bobby Ferguson ended up with all the contracts it was city council who approved the contracts not the Mayor, the Mayor just simply signs off on a package which includes approved contracts from city council.The fed's know this, the judge presiding over the case knows this. So what evidence did they find that gave this jury the inclination that Kwame is guilty of public corruption?The jury was tainted by the publicity surrounding the case, yet was still allowed to hear the case.We can argue all day that Detroit had bills! Detroit was in default on many obligations, but Detroit never fucked their retiree's until the appearance of Kevin Orr. Some say Detroit has been kicking the can for over 50 years, however retiree's has also been getting their full benefits during the kicking of this can. See when blacks don't move fast enough for Caucasians they conspire, threaten and lie on you to get you to see things their way and move quicker. If Kwame is guilty of anything, he is guilty of stopping Suburban owned contractors from manipulating Detroits contract biding process. See while the city was being ran by Dave Bing,Kenneth Cokrel, and Dennis Archer, Caucasian owned companies would bid on contracts in the city of Detroit, present a low bid just to get the contract, then drive up the cost once they have the contract. Case and point: I say" hey I need a painter for my home. I have up to 3,000 for the job so i am starting the bidding off at 1,000" you then apply and say " yes my company will do it for 1,000 " I then sign the contract only to receive receipts stating you need more money to complete the job, well because you know 3,000 is the max, you simply bid low and drive the cost up to the full amount instead of just saying from the start 3,000 or nothing. This is why they went after Kwame so hard, he stopped the Suburban money train that rapped Detroit since Coleman A. Young transitioned. Keep in mind when they talk about Detroit they are really referring to the people of Detroit, not the city it self. Caucasians claim that Detroit is dangerous, yet the crime stats for black on Caucasian crime are so low the stats are not even on the radar. So where does this paranoia come from, especially from a populace who are every bit of 30-45min away from Detroit?, I mean with the history of Caucasians lynching blacks, I think we are the ones who should worry or be paranoid when they appear, however Detroiters backs are to strong to fear them in that way or any way. Any city that sits off of a riverfront is an international money maker, Detroit of all cities in Michigan sits adjacent to another country that country is Canada. There has been rumor's about " Negroe Removal " These rumors are true, as you consider how the city and state go about their planning, it is clear that they want niggas off of Detroits riverfront! So this is why you have seen an increase of Border Patrol Agents riding up side streets on the lower east side of Detroit. Why the Border Patrol? These border's between Canada and Detroit,Purt Huron and Canada are nothing like the Borders of U.s and Mexico or Arizona, news flash these are not high dug trafficking borders, however when you see the Border Patrol conducting traffic stops on avenues like Jefferson, Crane, Fisher, Burns, Kerchaval, Vandyke,Pennsylvania, Mack, Bewick all which are residential streets, you instantly get the point why Border Patrol are present in that particular vicinity, because all of these streets are close the the Detroit River Border Patrol will claim that those streets are part of their jurisdiction. Safety in Detroit is a priority not just for city hall, but also the residents of Detroit. Many have stood up to take back their communities, however when you have a police department who are short staffed and over worked, problems will amount quick!. Many Detroiters want their neighborhoods back!, however many have no trust in their police department to make a firm enough stance or statement to stand with them while they take back their neighborhoods. We can always question the use of the policing power. What is more important, stopping some black male driving down the street with a car full of his friends, which is his right to do so, or being more attentive to the more serious problems in our community..( Hey the guys who robbed me had a valid drivers license) However, when you have a police force who officer's are not from the communities they patrol also makes for some very serious problems in the area of race relations. The average black male in Detroit if you ask 10 of them, 9 would most like say that they believe that Caucasian police are racist in their selection of who they decide to stop. Now in a city where the populace is 94% African American, it would be pretty hard not to stop a black person period!. The problem is, "Probable Cause" is absent on at least 99% of the stops. This is why some feel like their are being profiled. If you have contempt towards a certain community, then what are you intentions for that particular community while serving them in of all capacities, a law enforcement capacity? . If Detroit is the lowest paying police department in the most dangerous city in Michigan, then what would entice you to leave your comfortable suburban community to work in Detroit. I say the perks are un-seen, and some make headline news, when we see that a Caucasian from a racist back ground has murdered another young black male during a traffic stop or simple questioning. I often wonder, will the question ever arise are Caucasian men fit to serve in black communities as law enforcement officials? I mean when you take into consideration that a black male can die during a traffic stop really is troubling, especially when you are suppose to be trained deal with situations without killing someone who is not trying to kill you!. Oh my God The excuses! " He wouldn't open his hands so i fired! " " He wouldn't get down so I fired! " " I thought his cell phone was a gun so i fired! " " I was in fear for my life, so I fired ". Now keep this mind, the police who have on their person while on shift, a gun, pepper spray, night stick, and a taser, yet they fear for their life?. Their is no sensitivity from the police, because the police don't live in this community so there is nor real vested interest in public safety except get perks un-seen. Detroit will always stand strong!. When one consider the revenue that downtown Detroit pulls in during sports events and other events,it is a no brainer why Detroit is the Mecca of Michigan . I mean really who no one goes to other cities in Michigan like they frequent Detroit to make the money they they know that is only here in Detroit. When it comes to the school system Detroit has a surplus that Suburban school districts have been trying to steal for years by way of lobbyist and legislation. The homes in Detroit are far better built then those million dollar homes in the outer most upper posh suburbs. When it storms in Michigan,most suburban communities lack the sewage infrastructure to prevent massive flooding in their home, so floods are inevitable and frequent if you don't live in Detroit. It is and has been apparent for quite sometime that " Urban Sprawl " has back fired! The point is, say any other city name in Michigan and it will fall on deaf ears, but if you mention Detroit people are all ears!. The biggest mistake anyone can do black or Caucasian is count Detroiters out!. Detroit is Michigan! and without Detroit there is no Michigan, but there will always be a Detroit with or without Michigan!.
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