Ok, I know most job seekers think that home based job's or work from home job's are full of shit and just a plain waist of time!. Hey in a job market that is shrinking by the decade something needs to be done to help continue to support good employment opportunities. Like you i too have received e-mail's from different companies stating " make 1,000's stuffing envelops " " make up to 4,000 per month data entry " the problem with most home based job's is, the so called employer of that particular home based job is asking that a job seeker submit very sensitive and private information about themselves before being hired and in most cases these home based jobs asked job seeker's to send money for kit's or information that will direct them to a company who is seeking people to work from home and in most cases if you were hungry enough to jump on the job you may have lost some money or submitted personal information and never heard from that home based company again. This is enough to make any job seeker reject anything that remotely resembles a home based or work from home job opportunities. I started a mission to see what work from home jobs are real and which are just scam's!. As the job market becomes more depressing and hope seems to be all but gone, there are way's and opportunities that are available to job seeker's with schedules that accommodate the most diligent of job seeker's. Searching through home based job sites, I have found a few who have employees working out of Detroit,Mi. I had a chance to talk with a number of job seeker's who are now making a great living working from home. I ask these motivated people what are the pro's and con's of working from home?. I also asked is the money paid on time? I also asked how much time is being consumed to accommodate the company you are working for from your home Not one person had a complaint, in fact all job seeker's are now seeking way's to employ others. One individual in particular who allowed me to disclose her information spoke of a work from home job she has as " Tech Support " for 3 Fortune 500 companies. She make's $14hr working 12 hours mon-fri and 7hours on Sat, explains " I wish there were 58 hours in a day,lol " She get's paid bi weekly from Happy Mat Consultants out of Atlanta,Ga.
She also conveyed that the checks are always on time and since her employment 6 months ago Happy Mat Consultants has been a great partner with her and her work from home endeavors. Flexibility! is the key to home based opportunities. These companies offer not only above standard benefit packages, but raises that mirrors that of the Big 3 union workers, also flexibility that is not currently enjoyed by conventional workers.
When i spoke with Veronica Wilson pres. @HappyMatConsultants, she conveyed that " We want to be the company that people say is real and for real! We want to be the leader in dis-spelling the myth that work from home job's are scam's. Our pay system and bonus structure allows us to remain competitive with your conventional and physical work environments. We also has a great referral program that is offered to our employee's a competitive benefit package and holiday and vacation day's. Being a mom my self I know and understand why work at home opportunities are needed for job seeker's who are just like me or share the same situation.". Well the future of job seeking has never looked more clear for those who want to enjoy opportunities that will allow them the flexibility to pay extra bills, explore a new career, or just want a great second income, this is definitely the way to go!. I mean why go through the pain of waking up 2-3 hours, catching 2-3 buses, spending countless money on cab's, worrying about loosing your job or getting wrote up if you are late? I mean why subject yourself to an employer who thinks so highly of you that they decide to prove yourself you need to be on a point system? Why engage an employer who has a policy called " At Will Employee " which mean's you can be terminated without cause, and they actually ask that you sign a contract stating that you agree that the company can fire you with out cause? It is time that work started working for you!. Don't be afraid to engage home based opportunities, I have found that 89% out 100 are in fact real companies looking for real people to do real job's. Now there are some companies who will require that you pay for your own training, this makes it seem like a scam, however Stanley Morgan report show's that most home based job's are for those who don't mind becoming a independent contractor, commonly known to companies as"I.C's" Independent Contractors " which in this case no taxes will be with held and you the job seeker will have to file with the i.r.s what is called a 1040 form ( talk to your tax expert about that form) When companies require that you take the first step to become employed, it is usually the last step out of brokeville to incomeville and in most cases at least 7 out of 10 companies reimburse their at home workers soon after training is 100% completed. You will need time to see it through some training programs can last from 1 month to 2 months, some are even shorter depending on the company you work for and there guidelines for home based workers. If you would like to start a wonderful career working from home contact Veronica Wilson 404-271-2272 (Happy Mat Consultants)
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