Sunday, November 9, 2014

Officer Joeseph Weekly was looking to kill somebody!

By now the world is aware that 7 year old ayana was murdered by a detroit special response officer. Yes a black female judge ruled that there was not enough evidence  to charge officer weekly with 1st degree murder. NOW I WILL BE THE FIRST TO ADMIT THAT I TOO DONT THINK THAT WEEKLY INTENTINONALLY mean to killll ayana, however entring someones abode with your hands already wrapped around a trigger tells me you meant to kill somebody!. What the public dont know is, ealier that day at 12noon, detroit police had eyes on the suspect they were looking for going in and out of the house where officer weekly murdered ayana. It was the inept choice made by then chief of police warren evans now county executive  who ordered  the cops to not make an arrest but wait until, get this, 12 mid night when the camera crew from the first 48 reality tv show shows up to film a live raid!. Yes that is correct!. When DPD had a chance to avoid a dirty raid and apprehend the purp they waited for the camera!. Had Then chief of police warren evans used his better judgement to arrest the purp earlier that day Ayana Stanley will still be here today living her life!. Officer weekly intent may not have been to kill ayana, but with fingers on the trigger, officer weekly"s intent was to kill somebody!. Why didn't  the judge see through this?. Maybe it is, because in the middle of a bankruptcy Detroit can not pay yet another wrongful death law suite committed by another seasoned veteran police officer. A jury is to decide a case based on  "criminal intent " which is why the judge dismissed the charges, cause officer weekly"s intent was to murder!. Hey he may have thought it would be a house full of black men, hey in a raid many can die and police will be justified. Officer weekly stated that he had no idea his big ass gun had dis charged. WOW the seasoned police officer had no idea is weapon had discharged. I guess that is ok compared to the officer who killed a black teen who cell phone the officer thought was ready for it?............ a gun.  Police killing citizens then departments are chalking it up as " a bad choice on the job " or " a mistake " this stop!

Friday, June 20, 2014


Why we as African Americans are crucial to the economy.It is reported that African Americans spend billions annually. Many corporations are filthy rich, because of the spending habits of African Americans.  How could a people who in almost every inner city in america is either low-income, some shackled to a felony, some who are teen age mothers, some who can't read above a 4th grade level, some who has no driving privileges, no access to jobs, poor access to education, just how on God's green earth can these individuals make so many rich beyond their wildest dreams, yet  they themselves are minor or absent in this billion dollar annual pot that African Americans provide for major corporations?. Also in most major inner cities you will find an enclave of working and educated African Americans who are  part of the middle class. They are the ones in their community or district who own their homes, who pay their taxes. Some may either work at a manufacturing job paying a sizable hourly wage or an entry level position with possibilities, or was just able to find what would be considered, " a good ass job " which in some cases would entail, a position paying any where from $12hr - $23hr  40hrs a week with over time and benefits and in some cases, most will remain in that position for life until one hit's the lotto or hit big enough at the casino to make life easier while working a " good ass job ". So as long as we are making money and are working, we don't see the true damage beyond our willingness to comprehend the meaning of real economics. In Detroit, a city where there are 85% african americans, business ownership is maybe only 1% and that will be your car wash and beauty salon establishments not limited to your local soul food eatery, t-shirt shop or barber shop, all which are none essentials to survive. Now the establishments that are not owned or operated by African Americans are the most successful and thriving businesses due to African American patronage.  The liquor stores, the groceri stores, the gas stations, the tire shops, the cell phone retail outlet's, the coney islands, the L.A insurance,  the happy's pizza, the check cashing stores, the dollar stores, the dollar general's, the ocean fish and nu-wave fish finger food establishments, the save-a-lots, every important aspect of life is not owned or operated by african americans in Detroit, yet this sit's well with the community, to have ownership over the cosmetic things of life not the internal and substantial things in life( i'm guessing)  your average liquor store open and thriving within the most poor neighborhoods, there is also almost directly across the street from that liquor store another liquor store or beer and wine store owned by arabic speaking merchants, who live not within that community, but in a comfortable suburban enclave were African Americans will be profiled. The only way these merchants will do business with African Americans is by way of bullet proof plexi glass. (I  wonder what is it like to serve or set up a business within a community who's reputation and murder rate top's national average out side of the money what is the draw to our community?) These stores owned by Arabic speaking people often have sour meat, stell goods and are almost all the time filthy in appearance, yet this does not seem to bother the African American community in detroit who faithfully supports these establishments. If the African American community in Detroit supported each others businesses in the same fashion as they support the Arabic speaking merchants no African American male or female would have to work a job an this would cause crucial damage to our nations economy, which is why this nation does not want African americans owning nothing! keep that group of people and their children forever working, forever spending, never owning, never in control. Everything African Americans have come from non-African Americans. Here in Detroit Caucasian home buyers will not buy homes at the asking price of African Americans, they would wait until that home is in forclosure then buy it at bottom prices, then re-sell the home to that same African-American for 5 times what the African-American was asking the Caucasian for, ( loli know this shit sounds insane! ) Arabic speaking people are now becoming home owners in Detroit, so not only do they have a grip on food,automotive,convince stores strip clubs,checking cashing, now they are buying up property at an alarming rate, while blacks sit back and watch these arabic speaking people unite their money together to create their own arabic wall street right in front of the faces of African Americans who would not even be able to garner 15% of that same support from their own people if they opened up the same businesses, smh,who really run's Detroit?.

Monday, April 28, 2014

The music industry latest move to turn young black men gay, has been made!

" Throw Dat Boy Pussy! " yep. The final attack has been launched on our young men by the music industry!. A record that will have young men questioning their own sexuality. A record that will be played on a block near you! in a club near you! at a  bar-b-q near you!. Possibly in a car next to you! The question is, what will you do when your 8 year old son thinks that he has a " Boy pussy ".? What will you do when some other little boy thinks that your son has a " Boy pussy " and try to  violate your son? What will you do when this song infiltrate the schools!? The problem with this sick song, is the devil is crafty and subtle and I truly believe  the ones who will push this song to the forefont, give this song the legs it need to become an anthem, will be young black women!. Fellas are we the blame for this? I mean after all homosexuality has been in our faces for quite sometime now and we said nothing!. When women began to lust after each other, the fellas did not think that to be wrong, instead we made it rain on them, we wanted threesomes with these demonic spirits. Some of us even pushed our wives into homosexual acts just to satisfy our nasty lewd and lustful tendencies with another woman. We had no shame in our game showcasing women on women, women kissing women  in the rap videos, women getting lap dances from women why?, because they are women so we really saw nothing wrong with us or them. Now how accepting
will you be when your underage son began to mimic his female counter parts to the point he actually believes he has female parts or his ass hole is just as good as a real woman's vagina and that it's nothing wrong with allowing a man to enter his anal?. Yes songs in the past has been filthy! The things we say on record that we want to do to women can be vulgar and dis-tasteful. however sinful as it may be, because it is being done to and with a women, it is a natural act. Yes when his song blows up some men will get mad, yet for years you have enjoyed same sex relations, you enjoyed seeing same sex relations, you enjoyed talking about same sex relations, now something is out there that you can't relate to. My other question is to the black church leadership, wat are you going to do? what will you say when the majority of your congregation are supporters of homosexuals? when the majority of music departments in black churches are headed by a homosexual choir directors? Yes the black church has already been groomed to receive this crap and never come against it in the pul pit. We have fought many fights in our community, but not one fight has prepared us for the coming of this!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Threats to Police Chief is as credible as 2pac sightings!

                                                                                I voted NO! on the emergency manager law, 
so did 83 counties out of 86 counties in michigan. my vote also is a no vote on Kevin Orr and any of Kevin Orr's appointments, including James Craig, Gary brown, Bill knowling and the office of the emergency manager. Apparently James, Kevin, gary Brown and Gov snyder is either def dumb and can't count or they are here to say fuck democracy in detroit which makes all of these guy's a major threat to our way of live and voting rights across the country. While everybody was in an uproar about kevin Orr being appointed E.M over detroit i'm baffled at the fact that his appointee's are getting so many praises, when they too are here illegally just like Kevin Orr. Now, because James Craig is not a creation of Democracy in this blog he will not be referred to as " chief " for the duly elected mayor Mike Duggan has yet to appoint a chief of police. Now James who lives in a gated community behind another gated community is a media whore! A man who at every chance wants news cameras available for his illegal raids. Raid's that has yet to yield the  harden criminals that James and others claim are major threats to Detroit. For example, when james and murder one suspect eric jones raided the Martin Luther King Holmes projects detroiters applauded this raid on it's face, I mean watching on tv it looks like James is getting tuff on crime, however, because James only knows 5% of his jobs the public was un-aware of the fact that 95% of those arrest were not made inside of the Martin Luther king Holmes projects, but outside of those apartments and at stores in the surrounding area. Our news radio team visited those apartments only to hear testimony about Caucasian policemen running through these low-income apartments with ak-47's who's main residents are senior  citizens, children and handi-cap and at any give time there are little children playing and running around those apartments. Apparently James care's not that anyone of those children could have been shot dead by any one of his ak-47 carrying team members if that officer was startled by any one of those children. Sloppy police work, but what do you expect from a guy who only knows 5% of policing?  James wants to be known as the man who put detroit in check! Not thinking that if the of people detroit voted no on the emergency manager law, then what am I doing here being appointed by the one who the people said no to?. Really James Craig's biggest raid has yet to happen, the raid of the Book towers where Kevin orr resides when in Detroit. Yep James there is a man who clearly broke the law, he and Gov snyder, but it appears that James raids are limited to black folks and the black community in detroit only! So to threaten James on a job not well done seems so far fetched, it's not like the cartels are shaking in their boots because James arrested a few nickel and dime bag hustlers. With all the intel at their disposal, i'm sure James and the fed's knows exactly where the drugs in Detroit are coming from, the question is, do they have enough balls to seek those bigger fish out like they do to these ?!